Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Lights! Camera! Strike a Pose!

My sister Catherine and I went through this phase that we were both obsessed with the show America's Next Top Model

So we started doing "Photo Shoots" It started with us putting a sheet up on a wall and taking pictures in our normal clothes. Over the years it has turned into us dressing up, doing hair and make up, and going somewhere. It sounds dumb but every pair of sisters have their things. Ours just so happen to be fake modeling :)

Anyways, I thought of this because I was going through my pictures on my computer and came across all our pictures! Here are a few of my favorites :)

My Friend Christine saw my sister and I's pictures and she and i started doing them, we called them MODEL TASTIC PICTURES. Christine and I's are a bit more on the silly side. I miss these good old days :)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Love In America

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Music! Music really does set the mood for everything. I have found my new favorite singer right now. I could listen to her music all day...So i did. :)

This song Set Fire To The Rain is probably my favorite so far. The lyrics to me are so strong and have great passion! I love this song, I hope you do too. :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

My world...

It's very nice. I like how high it goes and how the wind is on my face and when my hair blows in it, that's the best feeling. It helps all those times that you're at school and nothing goes right. Teachers give out too much homework, your friends are being dramatic over nothing and try to get you into it when you don't want to; and to top it off you get that call from your mom saying you can't do anything after school because you have chores to do. Yeah, i know that feeling. But once you sit on that swing and you start to pump your legs back and forth and your speed starts to get faster and faster,and you get higher and higher, all those things that you were bothering you... they all just disappear.

I like to close my eyes and pretend i am in another world. A world where I can fly away and sore in the sky and just be free. Free from all of the drama and problems life throws at ,e. it's as if i can swing life away, nothing matters. it's just me and the sky, and the sky can take me away from here, Take me up, up, up.

My mind can wonder in my world. All i have to do it put my favorite song on, on my iPod, turn it up really loud and close my eyes tightly; and just think about anything and everything. It's doesn't matter because it's just me in my head. no one to bother me, i'm alone in my world.

The Best I Can Be.

There is this spot in the front yard where this big giant Sun Flower grows.
When I was little, my mom would call me her little ray of sunshine or her sunflower. I would always find the good in everything. i try to look back and find that little girl, hoping she is still there with me. but she seems to have disappeared in everything that I have become and turned into now.

My mom doesn't like having random Sun Flower stalk growing in our yard, so we have to pull it out. But it always seems to come back, it comes back bigger and stronger and even more beautiful.

I love that sunflower plant. It's my favorite flower. I love how it is just like me in so many ways. i love the color yellow because it is such a happy color. I love being happy and free to follow everyone close to me, like the sunflower follows the sun each day. It's like a satellite for sunshine.

The sunflower is always looking to the sky. I have always been interested in the sky...If you can get high enough, you can see the curve of the earth...That alignment of the earth and the universe, it makes you think what else is out there. It's as if the sunflowers know what else is out there.

The sunflower to me, seems like it's trying so hard to be like the sun, it looks up to it so much, it respects it. That's why it looks at it every second of the day. And the sun is like the best of everything...Like the sun and the sunflower, i want to be the best i can be.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Techies! Away!

i have joined this group of people
at my school. They are called "Techies"
We run the shows, Assemblies, concerts,proformas. Anything in the auditorium. I'm there doing sound or lights or anything back stage on the telex.

Right now we are working on a play called The Visit. It is a really depressing play. And i haven't read it like i should have but yeah. ha ha
My best friend Stephanie is my crew head. I'm her Laky. A Laky's job is to help out and do everything that the crew head doesn't want to do... And with Stephanie and i together... Nothing gets done ha ha.
There is one other Laky. His name is Nate. He is fired though, because he like never came to anything. and so he didn't know how to do anything so we fired him. We are going to switch him for drew. He was originally on the crew, but i got confused and thought that i was on sound crew and kinda stole his job. He was fine with it but now he gets to do sound like he wanted :D yay!

Anyway. Up in the tech booth there is a mac computer that is as big as a flat screen TV. O.O So Stephanie and I, getting nothing done, took pictures on it. :D ha ha

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Oh Boy!

man you would think that going to high school would be a great experience and not to be that different :]
wrong and wrong!

high school is exciting because its full of exciting drama that you know you just don't care about, but you have to care because its just what you do.

high school is also different because it is just middle school just bigger and scarier.

typical first day of school.

first day of school is always boring because its just the teachers telling you stupid stuff like don't do this and don't do that, which in our minds means do this and do that. you also feel like your stomach is going to fall out your butt :] great feeling isn't it. oh and don't forget that its a new school so your going to get lost.

my first day.

well we had some "stuff" going on so i didn't go on the actually first day of school so to some people i was the "new girl" but to the people that i went to school with for 4 weeks i was looked at funny because i was supposed to be there a week ago :] yay me! anyways so instead of sitting in class for an hour and 45 minuets listening to the teacher tell you stupid stuff, i got the whole thing in less than 5 minuets.
my stomach did feel like it was about to fall out my butt because yours would to if your school had 4 floors and was built 100 years ago! (its like a castle!)
and everyone gets lost their first week, but remember i wasn't there, their first week, so everyone pretty much knew where their classes were but me on the other hand...
i went to every wrong class for 2 days. then i went to both of the lunches because i got really confused and on top of that i had no clue what i was doing
but its okay, i went to my right classes for one whole day! so I'm starting to get the hang of things at west high school :]

Monday, June 23, 2008

have you ever felt stuck some where and you cant leave?

have you ever felt like everyone around you know the rules, but you?

how about being yelled at for every little thing that you do?

well have you ever felt all of them at once?

if you have you have a little idea of how i felt all week at...BOOT CAMP!!!

so i joined this group called Civil Air Patrol (CAP) and i have this uniform that in my sisters words "you make that shit look gooood" hahaha and i do! its so cute on me :)

the picture up there is my flight, i was with them all week. the one holding the flag is holt. we all called him merian boy cuz all he ever talked about was himself and all the "cool" things that he did in the merians.... we all made fun of him including staff hahaha! the next one's name is covocci. he was a compleat neard and he would just repeat everything! we called him 89 covocci because thats a wine and his name get it? haha. the next one is smith, we called him simth because on his name tag they spelled it wrong haha losers! he was nice, and he one the most normal one. the next one is our flight sargent, kenny. she was nice i liked her. oh ya the guy next to the one with the flag was our cheif, hemsley, he was weird but really sweet...but mean when he needs to be hahaha. any ways so the first one in the bottom row is tobey. she was nice and she showed me how to serve a volly ball :) im so proud. the next one is hoppkins. he was so sweet and he would cheer every one on.

when ever you had any free time AT ALL you would have to hold your hand up infront of your face and read your memorizing booklit call S.O.P i have no clue what it stands for but it was HELL! after awhile your arm starts to hurt really bad!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Moving... well its always hard. You would think that moving would be a fun new experience, but when you become attached to things fast... well it gets messy. i am excited to move but I'm really going to miss everything that I'm leaving behind here in Washington. "You never really leave a place or person you love, part of them you take with you ,leaving a part of yourself behind." i have no idea who said those words but i finally get what it means to move... i always took the friends and family i have in one place for granted, now I'm leaving, and I'm spending every waking moment with them! so to all of my friends and family here in Washington, I'm not going to say goodbye, I'm gonna say see you later. And to all of my friends and family in Utah... LOOK OUT CUZ HERE I COME!!