have you ever felt like everyone around you know the rules, but you?
how about being yelled at for every little thing that you do?
well have you ever felt all of them at once?
if you have you have a little idea of how i felt all week at...BOOT CAMP!!!
so i joined this group called Civil Air Patrol (CAP) and i have this uniform that in my sisters words "you make that shit look gooood" hahaha and i do! its so cute on me :)
the picture up there is my flight, i was with them all week. the one holding the flag is holt. we all called him merian boy cuz all he ever talked about was himself and all the "cool" things that he did in the merians.... we all made fun of him including staff hahaha! the next one's name is covocci. he was a compleat neard and he would just repeat everything! we called him 89 covocci because thats a wine and his name get it? haha. the next one is smith, we called him simth because on his name tag they spelled it wrong haha losers! he was nice, and he one the most normal one. the next one is our flight sargent, kenny. she was nice i liked her. oh ya the guy next to the one with the flag was our cheif, hemsley, he was weird but really sweet...but mean when he needs to be hahaha. any ways so the first one in the bottom row is tobey. she was nice and she showed me how to serve a volly ball :) im so proud. the next one is hoppkins. he was so sweet and he would cheer every one on.
when ever you had any free time AT ALL you would have to hold your hand up infront of your face and read your memorizing booklit call S.O.P i have no clue what it stands for but it was HELL! after awhile your arm starts to hurt really bad!