Saturday, September 6, 2008

Oh Boy!

man you would think that going to high school would be a great experience and not to be that different :]
wrong and wrong!

high school is exciting because its full of exciting drama that you know you just don't care about, but you have to care because its just what you do.

high school is also different because it is just middle school just bigger and scarier.

typical first day of school.

first day of school is always boring because its just the teachers telling you stupid stuff like don't do this and don't do that, which in our minds means do this and do that. you also feel like your stomach is going to fall out your butt :] great feeling isn't it. oh and don't forget that its a new school so your going to get lost.

my first day.

well we had some "stuff" going on so i didn't go on the actually first day of school so to some people i was the "new girl" but to the people that i went to school with for 4 weeks i was looked at funny because i was supposed to be there a week ago :] yay me! anyways so instead of sitting in class for an hour and 45 minuets listening to the teacher tell you stupid stuff, i got the whole thing in less than 5 minuets.
my stomach did feel like it was about to fall out my butt because yours would to if your school had 4 floors and was built 100 years ago! (its like a castle!)
and everyone gets lost their first week, but remember i wasn't there, their first week, so everyone pretty much knew where their classes were but me on the other hand...
i went to every wrong class for 2 days. then i went to both of the lunches because i got really confused and on top of that i had no clue what i was doing
but its okay, i went to my right classes for one whole day! so I'm starting to get the hang of things at west high school :]